Online data protection training for your employees

Ms. D. ist die Protagonistin im Datenschutz-Onlinekurs von für Mitarbeitende

Online data protection training

All about our online data protection training in less than 3 minutes …

Ein Mitarbeiter lernt im Datenschutz-Onlinekurs von alles Wichtige zur DSGVO und dem BDSG

Challenges when training employees

Per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), all employees who have access to personal data must be trained regularly in data protection.

Employee training can be challenging, due to a lack of motivation or the complexity of the subject.

Online training is an optimal solution to meet this challenge.

Practical online training

Your employees can fit the training into their work day when it best suits them. High quality multimedia teaching materials provide the necessary training content, including interactive practice questions to reinforce learning. Employees receive a certificate at the end after successful completion of a test.

You can monitor employee training progress at any time and verify compliance with GDPR accountability requirements.

Ein Mitarbeiter bertrachtet ein Schulungsvideo im interaktiven Datenschutz-Onlinekurs von

Data protection training made simple

In the online training in data protection, your employees will learn the essentials in lawful processing of personal data: GDPR basics, technical and organisational measures, and handling a data protection emergency.

The training goal is for your employees to know what they can do themselves to protect the personal data of company employees, customers and business partners.

What are personal data? Why do they need to be protected? What important role does the employee play?

Why is there a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? What controls this EU regulation? How does it differ from other data protection laws?

What are the GDPR principles for personal data collection and processing? What do these principles mean in practice? What rights do data subjects have?

What technical and organisational measures (TOM) are used to protect personal data? How can they be verified?  And what happens when service providers or processors are contracted?

What is a data protection emergency or data breach? How should computer viruses, hacker attacks and lost or stolen log in data be handled? What should employees definitely do and not do?

The purpose of the final test is to show proof of understanding. Ten questions from the five lessons must be answered. Those who get at least 60% correct can download a certificate showing successful course completion.

The best data protections comes with trained employees

Even if your technical measures are good, data breaches are hard to avoid if your employees aren’t trained.

Set up our practical and effective online data protection training now for your employees. Increase awareness of handling sensitive data and fulfil your GDPR compliance as well.

Your customers, business partners and employees will thank you.

Onlinekurse von sind didaktisch hochwertig und zugleich unterhaltsam - ideal für die Schulung von Mitarbeitenden

Frequently asked questions about the online data protection training

Your employees need around an hour to complete the entire training. The content is split up into five lessons and can be interrupted after each lesson and continued at any time.

The learning content is provided through videos. Each lesson has practice questions so your employees can consolidate their understanding.

The lessons were conceived and prepared by experienced data protection lawyers together with learning specialists to ensure a quality training experience. The lessons were designed so that employees can pass the test without a legal background.

You can acquire as many licences as you need for your employees. All company employees have automatic access to the online courses you book.

Learn here how to invite your employees to the training, monitor their progress and if applicable, download certificates: general FAQs.